Google Ads Marketing: How to Get Started

Google Ads Marketing is one of the most powerful forms of online advertising available. It’s affordable, effective, and easy to manage once you know what you’re doing. If you’re new to Google Ads Marketing or have only run small-scale campaigns, this guide will help you get started with Google Ads Marketing or take your strategy to the next level.
Table of Contents
What is a Keyword?
Keywords are how people find your business online. It’s important to use those words in your AdWords campaigns so that you appear when a user is searching for that term. For example, if you run a chain of nail salons, try using nail salon as one of your keywords. By doing so, you show up on Google for users who are looking for a nearby place where they can get their nails done.
What are Broad Match Modifiers?
One type of Google Ads modifier is known as Broad Match Modifiers. Broad Match Modifiers allow you to increase your campaign’s reach by matching with terms beyond what you specify in your keywords.
What Are Negative Keywords?
One of your most important considerations as you create your Google Ads campaign is choosing appropriate negative keywords. These are words or phrases that relate to your business, but which you don’t want included in any ad groups or campaigns. Negative keywords will help you target and reach customers more effectively, while protecting yourself from irrelevant traffic and reducing spend on irrelevant clicks. Here are three best practices for using negative keywords
How Do I Choose My Target Audience?
One of your first steps in Google Ads marketing is choosing who you’re going to advertise to. Your target audience should be small enough that you can realistically have a positive impact on their day-to-day lives, but large enough that there are a lot of potential customers in it.
Choosing Ad Copy
Ad copy refers to your headline in a Google ad, so it is just as important as your landing page. This is what users will read first, and it should clearly explain what they can expect by clicking on your ad. As a guideline, make sure you include keywords that are relevant and unique. If you need help brainstorming, try using Ubersuggest or Google’s Keyword Planner for keyword ideas! Click here for more information about choosing Google ads copy!
When Should I Launch My Campaign?
Google ads appear on either side of search results, while native advertising typically appears alongside or within search results. Google ads are what most people mean when they refer to pay-per-click (PPC) ads. The great thing about PPC is that you can have a relatively quick turnaround time from when you create your account until when your ads start running. For example, I just created my first Google ad campaign for a client yesterday—and it went live in under 24 hours!
Where Should I Place My Ads?
While Google provides a multitude of options for placing ads on its network, there are several factors that influence where you should actually place your ad. For example, if you sell shoes, it’s probably a good idea to place your ad next to related searches—like shoes or women’s shoes. When users search for something related to your product or service (like, say, women’s shoes), they likely want products or services similar to yours.
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