Dealing with differences of opinion

On occasion, you may find yourself arguing with coworkers, business partners, and friends over various topics. Differences of opinion are to be expected. What makes a difference, though, is how you handle the conflict.
Some of the pointers to help you deal with opposing viewpoints at work
Sell your point of view. Don’t cram it down their throats. Demonstrate to them why your suggestion is worth investigating. Reduce yourself to their level. To effectively market your point of view, you must avoid disparaging those with whom you disagree. If ignoring other people’s opinions is a way of life for you, you’ve got a problem.
Give up the ground
When people are prepared to give up their ground, they can reach an agreement. Arrogance is when you stick to your “truths” while ignoring other people’s opinions. Intelligent folks give up their ground in order to benefit from the wisdom of others.
Feel free to say whatever you like
Don’t be afraid to say your opinion when in honest believe in something. Have courage to tell others about your place. We have a better understanding and brighter image in terms of life by discussing our stories to solve our worries and our opinions on others “. It won’t stop from expression because you are sick. After all, our differences are the one that distinguishes us like people.
Pay attention
You must pay carefully to what other people have to say in order to comprehend their viewpoints. We see other people’s points of view by following their train of thought and respecting what they have to say. Don’t merely wait for the right moment to answer. You can better put their argument into context if you try to understand the world from another individual’s perspective.
Respect others
How do you deal with people who disagree with you on various topics? Can you blame them? Do you ridicule them for their opinions on this topic? Or do you appreciate and acknowledge their opinion? Remember that everyone, including you, has a right to an opinion. Start by treating others with respect if you want them to respect you.
Avoid being confrontational
Some people are too self-centered to tolerate dissent. People who think and see the world in a different way are “enemies” to them. Because the argument frequently becomes personal and hostility is bred, this type of confrontational behavior significantly reduces the chances of reaching a common ground. Argue your point of view rationally, be sympathetic, and avoid confrontation.