3 Breastfeeding Tips Every New Mum Needs to Know

It can be hard to keep track of everything you need to know about caring for your new baby when you just had one, you’re sleep-deprived, and your hormones are running wild. New mothers should consider breastfeeding when thinking about their child’s health and well-being. Listed below are three breastfeeding tips every new mother should know.
Take Breaks
It can be tough to find time to take a break when you’re caring for a newborn, but it’s important to give yourself some time to relax. A good way to do this is to pump some milk ahead of time so that your partner can feed the baby while you take a break.
Eat Well
Eating a healthy diet is crucial for new mums, who need to maintain their energy levels while caring for their baby. To breastfeeding successfully, eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Drink plenty of fluids, too, and avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Being a new mum is tough, and one of the things that can suffer is your sleep. It’s important to get as much sleep as you can when you’re breastfeeding, as it will help your body recover and produce milk. Here are a few tips
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