How can you write the winning composition that the examiner seeks? We must acknowledge right away that there is no single guideline that will solve all of your writing problems. Good writing abilities take time to develop and improve with each passing day.
Good authors, on the other hand, believe that there are some guidelines for good composition that should be followed. So, where can you begin to ensure that your composition gets the examiner’s attention?
First, decide on the format in which you will write. A letter, for example, is written in a different format than a story. Plan for about 5 to 10 minutes. Make an outline by jotting down briefly the main ideas and points you want to develop in your essay. Maintain your focus on the main idea.
After that, devote some time to revising your introduction. Remember, this is the place where you make your first impression on the reader. Make a strong opening to pique their interest. This can be accomplished by providing a vivid description of the characters or setting, posing a rhetorical question, or starting the story with dialogue.
In composition writing, originality is essential. Examiners look for these things. Some students have photographic memories and want to reproduce pre-written compositions word for word during exams. Examiners with keen eyes will always find you and penalize you. Create your own characters and settings by learning how to draw them.
Furthermore, in composition writing, fluidity and clarity are critical. It refers to the capacity to write eloquently and logically. There should be a flow to the ideas and thoughts. It is tough to understand because the topics are mixed up in a badly written article.