Tips on how to Keep Children Safe Online
Examine each platform’s security and privacy settings
Google, for example, includes parental settings that let you limit what they can and can’t see. You have additional control as a parent thanks to a PIN that helps you maintain these settings.
Establish social boundaries and social media usage rules
According to research, children develop interest at a more younger age as time passes. They are well-versed in social media by the age of five or six. It will be difficult to keep them online indefinitely, so plan ahead for that dialogue.
Learn to spot the symptoms that a child is having a bad time on social media
This can involve feeling worried when their phone message notifications go off, desiring to use social media quietly in their bedrooms or when everyone else is sleeping, being angry or unhappy after browsing the internet, or retreating from family and friends.
Inspire them to share their online experiences by establishing open dialogue. You may begin by sharing your own work.