Microsoft Office 365 Backup is the most secure and reliable way to keep your work safe, and with so many compelling reasons to use Office 365 Backup, there’s no reason not to do it. Fortunately, you don’t have to make this decision by yourself; you can use this article as your guide to help you decide if Office 365 Backup will be a good investment for your business or organization.
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1) Microsoft has already done the hard work
Office 365 is a cloud-based productivity suite that you can use to accomplish just about anything you’d want on your computer or mobile device. If there’s one thing we know about Office 365, it’s that Microsoft works hard and doesn’t offer second chances. Therefore, if your documents are stored in Office 365, make sure you have an office backup plan in place.
2) Office 365 is 100% cloud-based
it is hosted on Microsoft’s servers and requires an internet connection in order to function. This makes Office 365 far more vulnerable than you might expect from a productivity suite. In order to protect your data and make sure that you can recover your information in case of disaster, it’s important that you use a backup solution. In today’s post, we’ll be discussing why Office 365 backup is necessary for any business or organization using Office365. Let’s dive right in!
3) Security is top-notch
Office 365 backup is designed with security in mind. In fact, it’s one of its biggest advantages over other cloud-based services. This cloud-based office suite has been rigorously tested and meets enterprise-level requirements for security and privacy—ensuring that your business data is well protected from external threats and even internal vulnerabilities. What’s more, because you control your encryption keys, nobody can access your data except you.
4) Compatibility with other applications is easy
O365 is developed by Microsoft Office, so it’s no surprise that O365 easily integrates with other applications. Want your new cloud backup software to work with your existing accounting program? Want it to be compatible with your company website? Well, then you want an office backup that’s designed for more than just email and documents. When you choose Cintellix for all of your business IT needs, you won’t have to worry about compatibility issues—or anything else, for that matter.