The color indication of your vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge aids in lubrication and keeps vaginal tissues healthy, as well as keeping the ‘pie-corner’ clean. Then there’s vaginal discharge, which can be both good and unhealthy.
The color of your vaginal discharge may be a reason to seek medical help, but according to a random poll conducted by Health & Science, a significant majority of women are unaware that color change could be cause for concern.
According to a health systems specialist and women’s health advocate, the cervical glands and vagina release vaginal secretions.
The flow of this fluid will keep the vaginal and reproductive tract clean and healthy by removing old cells and contaminants.
Certain forms of discharge, on the other hand, may indicate the presence of an infection. Abnormal discharge might be yellow or green in color, chunky in texture, and odorous. Abnormal discharge that looks strange or smells nasty is usually caused by yeast or a bacterial infection; consult your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.
The specialist recommend that the volume, color, and consistency of vaginal discharge differs from one woman to the next, and that it might alter based on a person’s menstrual cycle.
Anybody who has bleeding in between menstrual periods should seek medical attention. He claims that inter-menstrual bleeding can be a symptom of a serious disease.
He also advises women going through menopause who haven’t had a period in at least a year to contact a doctor if they have vaginal bleeding, which could be an indication of endometrial cancer.