IT Courses
Beginner’s Guide to Git and GitHub
You’ll discover
- Learn how to use the Git source control system by understanding its fundamental concepts.
- Follow the Git workflow step by step.
- Git’s many states are compared.
- Organize files both within and outside of Git’s management.
- GitHub allows you to manage and create repositories.
- With confidence, establish branches and settle disagreements.
- With Stashes, you can save your ongoing work.
- Tags and Releases let you remember memorable occasions.
- Within Git repositories and on GitHub, there is even some time travel.
- GitHub allows you to do many of the same local Git functions.
- By forking, you can join other GitHub projects and contribute back using Pull Requests.
- Others’ Pull Requests are reviewed and accepted.
- Use Gists to share code.
No prior knowledge or expertise is required for this course, which will discuss the GitHub hosting service as a partner to the Git source control tool. Students will leave with a solid understanding of Git and GitHub as well as hands-on experience.