
How to grow your business

I want you to change your thinking about business before I provide advice on how to grow your business. Consider your company like a developing firm rather than a tiny one. You can only envision growth and strive toward developing your business if you have that growth attitude. Starting small yet thinking big is the key here.

When I started growing my company, I had to learn business principles the hard way. Then I whined about how unfair life and the corporate world are, but in retrospect, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I may have repeated my blunders if it hadn’t been for my failures and the hefty price I paid for them. It is for this reason that I encourage new entrepreneurs to embrace failure, because every setback is an opportunity to learn something valuable.

Ideas on how to grow your business

Prioritize quality over quantity

This has happened to me countless times. There was a time when one of our companies was rapidly expanding. I was pleased with my progress and continued to seize all opportunities that presented themselves, which meant more money. Some may call it greed, but I, too, was unaware that I was stretching myself too thin.

I had a vast audience that I couldn’t properly serve to before I realized it. My workforce grew too large for me to control, and the quality of my work suffered as a result. I had lost a number of clients by the time I realized it. I had to make the difficult decision to keep my firm lean while yet providing excellent service to my customers.

Accept your blunders

When I read, listen to, or hear a story about a famous person or a powerful businessperson, the first thing I search for are the ways in which they failed.

If I ever meet Jay Z, I’ve been asked what questions I’d ask him. My primary concern will remain the same. I’d continue to inquire about his setbacks and how he overcome them.

Most of us will concentrate on the winnings that are made public, but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes before a winner is announced, and this usually involves failures and mistakes.

Make long-term plans

It is claimed that the future cannot be guaranteed, but it can be secured if you plan ahead. You’re going about it all wrong if you’re planning a real-time market entry.

The majority of today’s successful firms are the result of long-term planning. They are living their ‘future,’ thus it is unrealistic to expect to battle alongside them, despite the fact that they laid their foundations years before. Now is the time to build structures, but plan for the future. My pals think I’m insane because of my thoughts. I always show them the dates on which I got my first concept and compare them to the dates on which the idea came to fruition three years later. During that time, I was conducting my homework, learning about the market and studying trends, which is something that many people do not do.


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