3 Unexpected Sexual Motivations That Might Be Driving Your Man

Most people are familiar with the traditional sexual motivations that drive men and women—things like lust, passion, and desire. In fact, these are sometimes considered the only sexual motivations out there! But these aren’t the only things that can compel someone to have sex or seek sex partners. In fact, some of these motivations are subconscious, and some of them aren’t even sexual at all! Here are three unexpected sexual motivations that might be driving your man to want more sex than you do…
1) Power and control
A lot of men are motivated by a desire for power and control. In the bedroom, this manifests as a need to be in charge and call the shots. This can be a turn-on for some women, but it can also be a major source of frustration. If you’re not into being bossed around, it’s important to communicate your needs early on.
2) Status
Humans are visual creatures. They are driven by what they see. But your man can also be driven crazy by other, less obvious reasons. Here are three: -The need to feel in control
intense desire for novelty and excitement
-The desire to dominate and be powerful
3) Selflessness and generosity
We often think of our partners as being motivated by sex. And while that may be true for some men, it’s not always the case. In fact, your man may be motivated by other things entirely. Things like selflessness and generosity.